Comparing Web Browsers

What is a web browser?  By definition a web browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web.  A web browser is much more than that simple definition to any user of a web browser because it is what connects humans to the internet.  Your browser, which ever one you use, is your window to the limitless information that is on the World Wide Web today.  I did an investigation on every internet browser available to the public and these were my findings:

  • Opera– I had never used the Opera browser before but the first thing I noticed was that it did not show my slide share presentation on my blog, that is a problem.  To me Opera seemed like a very poor attempt to combine Mozilla and Chrome into one browser and in this student’s opinion it fell way short of both those browsers.  Opera is customizable but so is every other browser in todays world.  I personally do not plan on ever using this browser for general purposes and I certainly would not recommend it to anyone.
  • Safari– Wow, what can I say about Safari?  I can’t think of any good reason to use this browser.  Safari doesn’t even make an attempt to keep up with trends in the world of browsers.  When I first started using safari I was reminded of the old Netscape Navigator days and I certainly don’t miss those days.  It is faster than some other browsers but not fast enough to make for what the browser is lacking.  It is not user friendly at all and it makes surfing the internet frustrating rather than entertaining.
  • Mozilla Firefox– This is as a great browser.  It’s fast, it has a “speed dial” system, it’s probably the most customizable browser out to date.  It also syncs up really nicely with other browsers.  My only complaint about this browser and many other is it doesn’t look as streamlined as Google Chrome’s browser other than that it does everything as good Chrome.  I would recommend this browser as a very good alternative to Chrome.
  • Internet Explorer– Once again, wow!  I used to love internet explorer, back when it was that or Netscape.  Like Safari, Internet Explorer has not followed the modern trends emerging with new internet browsers.  I personally have had more trouble with this browser than any other.  It could just be me but I don’t think so; this browser has let so many viruses to infiltrate my computers, it’s terrible in every sense of the word.
  • Chrome– My favorite of all the browsers because of its innovation, its speed, and the fact that almost every other browser out there has tried to copy them in some way shape or form since its release.  I was a sceptic when this browser fist released but now I think Chrome is the best browser on the market today.  If your reading this and you don’t have Chrome on your computer, download it now!  It is amazing in every sense of the word.
  • Mobile Browser– I can’t be to hard on our mobile browsers simply because only a few years ago we didn’t even have them.  It’s easy to complain about it being slow or not showing all the content of a certain web page but that’s the trade off we make, right now, to have a mobile device that connects to the World Wide Web.  I thinks it is amazing that we have computers now that fit in our pockets and to think about only get’s me dreaming of where we will be, technologically, in just a couple of years.  Mobile browsers still have a long way to come to compete the other browsers but at the rate technology is exponentially growing, I don’t think we will have to wait long for our mobile to browsers to be just as good as our computer browsers.


In conclusion, some browsers are obviously better than others and I have given my opinions on which ones I prefer but when it comes down to brass tacts, we as graphic designers need to be familier with all the browsers to make sure our content shows up on the Wold Wide Web the way we intended it to. Also, don’t forget if you do not have Google Chrome, go download it now.  I promise you will not be disappointed.

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